Нумеролог: «Певицу Елку ждут проблемы с деньгами» Clara Kuzenbaeva made a prediction for the future star. According to the expert, the artist is very difficult in everyday life because she is very picky and overly straightforward. The woman claims that her future husband Tree is patience.
Нумеролог: «Певицу Елку ждут проблемы с деньгами»

Singer Tree the second of July will mark 35 years. Today, the star is actively touring and recording new hits. Rumor has it that in his personal life artist lull – a year ago she broke up with her husband Serhiy Astakhov and at the moment her heart is free. Star numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva studied the date of birth of the singer and made a prediction for its future.

“Tree was born in the “Day of the incoherence,” says Clara. It is very complicated in a life of a man, about say: good, but unbearable. May God grant patience to her future lover: she’s tough, devoid of a sense of tact, categorical, too blunt and does not see the halftone – she’s either black or white. Because of its nature, it often offends people, many are afraid of her manner of saying what she thinks without filtering.

Arguing with her is useless, she does not accept criticism. But in defense she can say that she’s actually honest, selfless and kind person, and if it gives someone unpleasant emotions, does not do it intentionally. In addition, the Tree minion of fortune and it was impossible to resent her all is forgiven, no matter what she blurted out.

The tree cannot be called greedy, always ready to help. And yet it is subjected to the control mechanism – her future husband will need to remember two rules: less to argue with his wife and tell her how many pleasant words. Tree dependent on flattery and praise, with the help of a star can be controlled.

Singer bad judge of people and she better not give anyone advice – one who will listen, be worse. Also it is necessary to subdue pride, is a sin. If it won’t work with its shortcomings, life will punish her disease.

Artist big spender, can’t save – which is why the construction of her house in Sergiev Posad has been delayed. At 35 it begins a difficult period in life: despite the fact that it will be a lot to perform and to tour, she wouldn’t have to laditsya with money. She must be attentive to its spending and get rid of carelessness. Also the next two years I don’t suggest to the singer to get behind the wheel – there is a risk of injury”.