Нумеролог: «Ани Лорак скоро вновь станет мамой» Clara Kuzenbaeva made a prediction for the future of the singer. According to experts, in the family of Ani Lorak and her husband Murat Nalchajian can be born another child. Also the actress is a huge success in creativity.
Нумеролог: «Ани Лорак скоро вновь станет мамой»

Today popular singer Ani Lorak birthday. The artist decided to spend the holiday in Athens. “Here, beautiful weather and incredible atmosphere! In the afternoon we walked around the city and saw the historic sights and in the evening, a little later, a gala dinner with family and friends.”

In the morning Anya made a gift to his fans – introduced the track “New ex”.

“All of us once had to say goodbye and to let go of those who in certain periods of his life, he considered part of himself, his “soul mate”. We have all had the former, the farewell which left the pain from the memories and heart stab wounds. But if the feeling’s gone, there is no sense to be patient, to try again and re-ignite the dead star, the flame, the embers, who with every touch left painful burns,” – said Lorak.

Star numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva studied the date of birth of the singer and made a prediction for its future.

“Caroline was born in “Day of questionable character,” – said the expert. Her life code – 4373912 says that she is very doubting. And in vain, because she is very talented, the bearer of the sign of the sign artistry and fame – she just didn’t have the chance to become famous. Besides, Carolina has the highest thousand mark – this means that it refers to the type of people who leave a mark. Lorac – the strongest analyst, she could be a scientist and make his contemporaries and descendants to admire his work. The owner of the three sevens, the singer is very charismatic and well-liked.

To wealth star is easy, she’s not one of those who are able to accumulate earned, therefore, for the financial side of life in the family the husband is responsible. Caroline and Murat were the perfect couple, I don’t see in their lives other marriages. In the next two years they will become parents”.

According to numerology, the artist sometimes allows himself to be lazy and often defers the case for later. Says Kuzenbaeva, celebrity is continuously dissatisfied with himself, which slightly spoils her life.

“From today, her life gets brighter, more she don’t owe anyone anything. Up to a certain age, the actress worked the karma of the family on the maternal side. But in 40 years in her life will come during the wrong decisions, you have to be careful and to refuse financial transactions. In General it is completely lacking a sense of self-preservation – she is bold and reckless. The car it is better not to drive, she feels bad speed,” said the numerologist.

Clara believes that after several years of Ani Lorak will have a creative take – off- she will record a new album, which will be a great success. Numerologist advises the singer then make a break to gain strength.