«Не родись красивой»: как выглядят звезды популярного сериала спустя 13 лет
The Russian remake of the Columbian telehita became popular, however, to repeat the huge success of the original still failed.

«Не родись красивой»: как выглядят звезды популярного сериала спустя 13 лет

“Not born beautiful”: the look of the stars of the popular series after 13 years

Photo: still from the TV series “Not born beautiful”

Comedy series of “AMEDIA” “Not born beautiful” directed by Alexander Nazarov told the story unappealing clever Katya pushkarevoy, the Secretary of the company on manufacture of fashionable clothes “Zimaletto” falls in love with his handsome boss.

“Not born beautiful” on STS is shown in 2005-2006, is a 200-episode remake of the extremely successful Colombian soap Opera “I am Betty, the ugly”
(“Yo soy Betty, la fea”), which literally “blew up” the South American
TV in 1999. At the time of the show people turn off the phone, it
I watched not only Housewives, but also taxi drivers with the police.

In the early 2000s, Colombia are so obsessed “Settimane”,
even then President andrés Pastrana was forced to “adjust”
under the series and to do his regular television address to the nation in the commercial breaks while millions of viewers departed not from the television. The Russian version of the show also became very popular although not repeated the incredible success of the Colombian phenomenon.

«Не родись красивой»: как выглядят звезды популярного сериала спустя 13 лет

Photo: still from the TV series “Not born beautiful”

One of the biggest intrigue of the series was the expectation of the transformation of “ugly Betty” and in the Russian version — Katya pushkarevoy. Find the performer of this role was not easy. But the young actress Nelly Uvarova Ramtha managed perfectly. Although for the sake of this role, she had to make sacrifices: under the contract, until the series finale Uvarova even behind the scenes were strictly forbidden… to look beautiful.

Save the image of the “ugly” in the daily life of Nellie helped her older sister designer and costume designer Elena Uvarova. The actress was forced to go out in baggy sweaters and old-lady skirts and shoes of the 70-ies of the last century, and was completed with a colorful image of the “grey mouse” round glasses (although without the diopter) and braces set the artist for the duration of filming.

“I love nuts and crackers, but yet again I used to chew on them, it took almost two months. But the kisses of these things has added a little spice” — said Uvarov, which is in parallel with the shooting continued to play in solo performance Ramtha “Rules of conduct in modern society”. Not to interrupt a theatrical work, Nelly braces made from a special lightweight material that is almost invisible from the auditorium.

«Не родись красивой»: как выглядят звезды популярного сериала спустя 13 лет

Photo: still from the TV series “Not born beautiful”

“Creative sacrifice” Uvarova was sympathetic and her parents, and the Director of the play Alexander Nazarov, who concurrently was the Director of “Not born beautiful”. Many months of “suffering” in the name of art has paid off: thanks to the TV series Nellie became one of the most popular Actresses of the mid-2000s.

Also in the series appeared a whole constellation of domestic actors: Grigoriy Antipenko (Andrei
Zhdanov), Artem Semakin (Nikolai Zorkin), Peter Krasilov (Roman Malinowski),
Olga Lomonosova (Kira Voropaeva), Yulia Takshina (Victoria Klochkova), Ilya Lyubimov (Alexander Nikolaev), Maria Mashkova (Maria Tropinina), Viktor Dobronravov (Fedor Korotkov), Olga Ostroumova (Margaret R. Zhdanov), Yulia Rutberg (Christina Voropayeva), Mikhail Zhigalov
(Valery Sergeevich Pushkarev), Irina Muravyova (Elena Pushkareva),
Vladimir Yaglych (Leonid) and others.

Few people know that in 2008 it was planned to remove 60-episode continuation of the successful Russian project. The plot (which would correspond to and Colombian version of the story), the main
the heroine had bear her husband an heir, and to figure out how to move the family business to
unprecedented heights. However, the creators are faced with an unexpected obstacle: the performers of the main roles strongly
refused to do a “Not born beautiful”.

Photo: still from the TV series “Not born beautiful”

And not because the actors are not
like the script “Not born beautiful-2” and because Nelly Uvarova and Gregory Antipenko lacked
time. Because the programme involves the rejection not only from
painted graphics of shooting film and theatre tours, but also from your personal life. And, to the disappointment of fans, the second part of the series loved by millions and not
were removed.

Since the premiere of the series “Not born beautiful” has been more than 12 years. Here are the stars of the Russian telehita today.