Никита Пресняков столкнулся с предательством
Rock musician openly talked about personal.

Nikita Presnyakov

Photo: freeze-frame of the program “the invisible Man”

Nikita Presnyakov with his youth he experienced problems finding new friends. Often, sending your world of strangers, a rock musician was sadly mistaken in people. For his life 26-year-old Nikita came face to face with hypocrisy: when in the face its called best friend and behind the same people “poured” mud.It probably was a predefined Presnyakov special position in society because of their relationship with the Diva.

“People have been burned more than once. Many of those with whom I’ve talked, for example, five or six years later were not friends — said recently the Nikita. — Many times I was betrayed by people who I thought were either good friends or friends. So now I have hard to trust people!”

By the way, Nikita from his early years working to not be “the grandson of Alla Pugacheva” or “son Presnyakov and Orbakaite”, but with myself. Now he spends all the money on the development of its own rock band “Multiverse”, which performs at various festivals. To pay for the recording and filming Nikita in his free time, he klipmeykerstvom. Some time ago Presnyakov admitted that in 18 years, became fully independent from my parents financially. That is why he is very offended when haters give him a reproach, that, well, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Nikita was used to achieve in his own life. According to him, a famous family could not and can not affect his career, as is not associated with the world of rock. Moreover, Presnyakov hinted that Alla Borisovna he has some misunderstanding because of his musical tastes.

“It’s all due to the fact that I want to stick to their guns, the music, which does in General not related to my family, whom I certainly love, as we are relatives. Unfortunately, it very much spoils,” said Nikita in the show “the invisible Man”. So all his achievements in the world of rock belong only to it. He admits that he has ambitions that he wants 100% implemented in the music.