Никита Панфилов обидел родных, не сообщив о свадьбе
Popular actor Nikita Panfilov tries not to dwell on his personal life, only occasionally in his men appear images with the beloved.

Никита Панфилов обидел родных, не сообщив о свадьбе

Nikita recently announced that they Ksenia already married, but the wedding they didn’t even own. Pair to the painting was only a formality, a larger value lovers gave the wedding.

“We didn’t tell anyone about the wedding. Neither my parents nor relatives of Susie didn’t know we went to the registry office. Then we all were terribly offended. Personally, I just wanted to get married, but in our country it is impossible without a stamp in the passport. So would they never married,” – said Panfilov.

Nikita has a son from his ex-wife, but she doesn’t allow him to see the heir, because of what the actor is experiencing.

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