Никита Джигурда был замечен в компании другой женщины
The infamous Jim Carrey during the filming of one transfer met a woman Donna Moon, in the jewelry business.

Никита Джигурда был замечен в компании другой женщины

And recently, Nikita was seen in the company of this woman, and they showed each other genuine affection. The chair reported that he and Marina Anisina those officially divorced at her request, so he has the right to flirt with other women.

Никита Джигурда был замечен в компании другой женщины

“Anisina is my wedded wife. I live true to her soul. But on a physical level, we divorced at her request! So I dance, with whom you want. But if Anisina fall in love with another man, I it peacefully, without scandals released (10 years ago I have the same thing Marina said), because I love this unique woman with divine love,” said Nikita.

According to information, the woman settled with Moscow apartment Dzhigurda that the documents belonged to Marina Anisina those.

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