Никита Джигурда пообещал снять своё обрезание

From shocking actor Nikita Dzhigurda, you can expect anything. The actor filed for divorce from his wife Marina Anisina those, already warned all that long celibate would not be and immediately married an American woman named Lilith. He even posted photos with fragments of the face of the new lady – plump lips and green eyes.

Yesterday, the actor gave a press-conference on which has told about his future wife, for which he is even ready to change religions and make the appropriate changes in your body.
“My beloved name is Lilith. She cabbalistica. I marry her and do the circumcision. Take it personally,” — said the chair of the journalists.
Nikita complained about the actions of his official wife, figure skater Marina Anisina those, which, in his words, manipulating the kids against him and tells them that daddy is crazy.