Ночь любви закончилась для солиста «На-на» в больнице After close to a fan, the singer felt a sharp pain in the back. The participant of group “on-On” Mikhail Igonin was not able to spend time quietly in the society of ladies, as he had to seek help from doctors.

      Ночь любви закончилась для солиста «На-на» в больнице

      Mikhail Igonin is one of the youngest members of the group “on-On”. The singer surrounded by a crowd of fans, many of whom wish to conquer his heart. One of these lucky women have to be near the loving artist the night before.

      However, a groupie Michael didn’t. After close friend and Igonin felt a strong pain. The singer had to go to the doctors for help.

      The star there is no doubt that a pinched nerve, which is found in physicians, is the result of an unpleasant incident that happened the day before. On the set of joint with the World” video for the song “Life is so good” the unknown young man ran up to the soloist and clocked him in the face with a cake. Surprise Igonin bent over and bounced back. Apparently, at the moment, and there was a pinched.

      Ночь любви закончилась для солиста «На-на» в больнице

      Michael bravely waited until the end of the set, though the team had to find a replacement for Igonina spoiled confection of a costume. The attacker quickly disappeared in the crowd, and it was quite problematic. The moment of impact was captured on camera, and you can try to figure out who injured the singer.

      It is not excluded that Igonin will call the police to the attacker punished. Because his health was damaged, not to mention the moral aspect of the case. Surrounded by a group of “na-na”, “StarHit” told me that Michael already feels good. Together with the team, he continues to tour on cities of Russia.

      We will remind, group “On-on” became popular in the late 80-ies of the last century. Then, the producer Bari Alibasov, decided to disprove the statement “In the USSR, no sex!” and created a group of seductive young men with beautiful bodies. The project was a success.

      The performances of the group “on-On” came thousands of fans, who literally tore the piano part and have even arranged fights. “We had a tradition after each gig Bari Karimovich spent debriefing, – told the “StarHit” Vladimir Levkin, the former lead singer of the band. – To you for any trifle: “Why is the hand not raised? What the hell is with the fan not embraced? You should want all, and you both behave? Who needs it!”

      Soloists of group “on-On” pulled Natalya Vetlickaya from a fight

      Now fans of the group are far more modest, and the participants are reaping the benefits of past glory. However, in each city the group “on-On” meet is still warm and sincere.

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