В Сети требуют оправдать женщину, дочь которой погибла после домашних родов Tens of thousands of people signed a petition in support of Olga Stepanova. Users are not satisfied with the decision, according to which the young woman found guilty in the death of his newborn daughter. On 3 November the Supreme court will review this case caused a wide public resonance.
В Сети требуют оправдать женщину, дочь которой погибла после домашних родов

History a native of Belarus and a resident of St. Petersburg Olga Stepanova has caused a wide public resonance. In early September the court of Vitebsk recognized the 31-year-old woman guilty in death of her newborn baby after a home birth and was sentenced to six months imprisonment with punishment serving in a colony-settlement.

Now Olga Stepanova is under recognizance not to leave. Her lawyers filed an appeal against the decision of the court. The high court will hear the case of a young woman on 3 November. And while on the Network launched a campaign in support of the inhabitant of St. Petersburg. Already collected thousands of signatures with the requirement to justify Olga Stepanova, who lost a little daughter.

Olga came to visit from St. Petersburg to Vitebsk for his mother at a pregnancy. 17 Feb the woman in the apartment went into labor, during which the Airways of the baby she was amniotic fluid. Arrived on-call emergency doctors failed to save the baby. The baby died in intensive care.

In may, the court decided on the arrest of a young woman in jail and a mother who lost her child, was until the making of her sentence in September, i.e. four months.

В Сети требуют оправдать женщину, дочь которой погибла после домашних родов

Relatives of Olga Stepanova think she’s innocent and claim that she had not planned to give birth at home. Everything happened suddenly and very rapidly. Here’s what he told reporters mom Stepanova, who was a witness to the incident.

“On Friday, my daughter and granddaughter went to the bath ( Stepanova is the eldest daughter Nastya approx. “StarHit”). Olga was tradition with the first weeks of life, and Nastya, every Friday, to bathe her in the bath. But this time she is in the steam room has not come, he was hovering over me. Then took a cab home.

(…) She did the cleaning and Laundry. Began to hang clothes in the dryer and suddenly from a sharp pain clutched at her stomach. Then went into the bedroom, closed the door behind him. (…) Ten minutes later Olga calls me loudly, “Mom!”. I run to her, look, she’s holding a baby. He was bluish in color and not screaming. Olga screams, “Mom, call an ambulance!”. I have paralyzed hands and feet: it seemed to me that the child is dead. Dial for an ambulance: “come, we gave birth to a dead child.” Daughter to me: “He’s not dead, he’s asphyxia”. I repeat the same thing in the phone. Olya at this time, holding a baby.

Waiting for doctors Olya went to the bathroom to wash myself and my baby from meconium. It takes 10 minutes, no ambulance. I’m calling again: “the Child is showing signs of life, quickly come!”. It took another 20 minutes and finally the ambulance arrived. (…)The child was taken to the hospital in 20.28. And his death was recorded at 21.40 in the city clinical hospital of emergency medical care”, – this version was announced to the press the mother of Olga Stepanova.

However, the investigation has its own version. Overides that the woman refused from the use of drugs and carrying out a number of important studies, as well as hospitalization. The doctors of female consultation warned Olga that at home childbirth a high probability of loss of a child.

В Сети требуют оправдать женщину, дочь которой погибла после домашних родов

“What happened on February 17, cannot in any way be called a home birth – arguing with the investigation, Olga Stepanova. – It was a fleeting, rapid delivery. I thought I should carry the pregnancy for another 2 weeks. And I assure you that to give birth alone, without a husband, I certainly would not. Let me explain my position. I more wanted to give birth where I’m safer, calmer — that is, at home. On February 17, I haven’t decided where this will happen: at home or in a hospital in Vitebsk or Sankt Petersburg. On Saturday, February 18, I had to come husband, and we were going to discuss where to give birth”.

It is known that his eldest daughter Stepanov also gave birth at home and birth took the husband, not the doctors. Then all went well, baby was born without problems.

In support of Olga in the Internet has already collected more than 50 thousand signatures. The petition the activists are going to send to the attorney-General, Minister of health and the President. Anna Polyn, the initiator of the appeal, believes that the process of Olga may set a precedent to prosecute women who choose home birth way.

The publication was prepared based on the materials of “Vitebsk courier”, “TYT.BY”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.