Наталья Ионова призналась, что оказалась с мужем на грани развода
The singer and businessman Alexander Chistyakov moved away from each other.

Natalia Ionova and Alexander Chistyakov

Photo: @chistyakova_ionova (Instagram Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova)

Natalia Ionova (Gluk’oza) on the eve celebrated its birthday. The singer turned 31. It seems that in the artiste’s life everything is perfect: a loving husband-businessman, two beautiful girls and plans for the third pregnancy, travel and favorite work. Now this description is true, but not so long ago Natalia and her husband had experienced a serious crisis in relations…

The ions admitted that on the eve of the anniversary of family life with Alexander Chistyakov, her marriage was reminded of a beautiful story. In the house of the singer often had quarrelled, and at some point, Natalya felt of her relationships gone love. The star couple, as they say, “devoured life”. Persistent problems related to children and work are strongly alienated spouses.

Saved Natalia and Alexandra from the divorce party to celebrate wedding anniversary. “Two years we had a very hard time with each other. It all started as something from afar, and then… Until the bottom abuts. We really helped our anniversary. All couples are advised to note the joint holidays, love, wedding, first recognition. It brings back emotions. At the time we devoured life, problems. We came home, tired, began to discuss the family business, said, decided, went to bed.

At some point, the fire was extinguished, and we began to become friends. I even began to think that we have no love. “Then our usual story: he wants to stay at home, and I’m going for some dinner, there were disagreements in interests, began to happen scandals. However, we have this: scandal is a scandal, but to bed we sleep in one bed that saved us always.” And here on horizon there was a glimmer anniversary, and we started to prepare for it — review the pictures, video. At some point I looked at Sasha and realized, “my God, it’s my most native person, why do all of my claims?”. Saved and the fact that I always easy to take the first step. That’s just to save the relationship, this step should do both. I’m glad we did it!” — quotes Ionova Woman.ru.