Настя Крайнова рассказала о романе с Александром Носиком
Recently, the media reported about the collapse of the marriage of actor Alexander Nosik and his wife Olga.

Настя Крайнова рассказала о романе с Александром Носиком

The couple has been married for 5 years.

But Alexander did not suffer long and in a short time found himself a new girlfriend.

Настя Крайнова рассказала о романе с Александром Носиком

Now the Spout meets with former participant of the show “star Factory” and the group “Tutsi” Anastasia kranovoj.

Girl for the first time openly spoke with reporters on this topic.

“We met a few months ago in a cafe, – has told KRA. – It so happens that I work with one person, he introduced us. Yes, we now try more often to be together. Love going to the movies, cozy restaurants. We have something to talk about – he is very smart and educated. Sometimes discussing a topic for hours, and you can bet…

…Of course, very worried about casinogo breaking up with his wife, but we do not discuss our past relationships. Olga is a lovely girl, I heard the voice of her very good. Sasha and trying to spend more time with each other. However, it is never enough: he has toured extensively with performances, that’s just finished a big movie and TV series “Torgsin” TV channel “Russia 1″. As I gear up to shoot the video and touring. But we always…”

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