Настасья Самбурская не побоялась дать отпор преследователю
Recently the program “Revizorro” lead actress Nastassja Samburski, which took the place of Helena Flying.

Настасья Самбурская не побоялась дать отпор преследователю

Nastasia together with the crew was in Volgograd. In the end, their car two days chased by some unknown man, hiding their numbers. Nastassja tired of this hate, and she dealt with the man.

Настасья Самбурская не побоялась дать отпор преследователю

“Revizorro requires a lot of courage. Filming in Volgograd me with the crew for two days pursued the car with closed rooms. Who and why, I can’t even imagine. In the end my patience ran out, we stopped the car, and I gathered all her strength and she went on the attack. As expected, the Stalker was confused, and did not expect such pressure from its “victims”. The surveillance stopped, but just in case, and the number of the machine (personally ripped them from the snow) and it looks I have saved. My dear, take care!”Samburski shared with followers.

Recall that recently appeared information about the fact that Nastasia and crew in one of the cafe attacked, but the presenter managed to hide.

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