Мама Корнелии Манго помолодела на 20 лет Parent stars of experimenting with the image. The other day she decided to make changes to the appearance and to make unusual makeup. Cornelia Mango this transformation dilara was very pleased.

      Before Cornelia turned to the famous Moscow stylist, makeup artist Gohar Avetisyan. The singer asked the specialist to do a relative unusual and trendy make up. From the results of the transformation and the woman, and her heir was left in awe. Is a corrected form of the face, correct and precise eyebrows, long eyelashes and brightly accented eyes. Mango first shared his emotions with subscribers in Instagram.

      “Today, mom’s got a feast! She never wore makeup! And now, when my mother was 18 with a tail Gohar made a gift to the mother. Thank you darling for being kind and talented hands! Mom loved it! All day today the mirror is spinning!” – wrote in the microblog star.

      According to the artist, after visiting the salon a parent literally bloomed in the street looked at her a great number of people, and one of them is Italian, even decided to meet.

      “I think my mom now just getting married after this transformation! For any mom to feel needed and desired is very important. Let us, sons and daughters, sometimes throw surprises! I’m sure they will live for a long time of your care and love! Leaving my mom today! Going to miss you” – shared with followers Cornelia.

      The woman herself admitted that after professional help feel gorgeous and younger by 20 years. It turned out that she didn’t really plan this experiment. On a chance encounter in the social network told the stylist Gohar.

      “The other day on one of the shows saw favorite singer and just close to me – Cornelia Mango with my mother. Cornelia introduced us and introduced me as a magician, whose mother is watching video every day on Instagram and she immediately expressed a desire to try it myself. And I? And I only! Today it happened! Do you like it? She is very artistic and creative, so the image turned out the same,” commented the wizard.

      Subscribers, comparing the photos “before” and “after” not believe their eyes and left the Network hundreds of compliments dilara. “Yes, you are beaming with happiness! Can this be changed? You don’t learn! Dilara – fire!”, “Can’t be. Probably, photoshop. It’s impossible to change due to make-up. They are two different people. At first I thought the picture Lolita,” “This is just incredible! How could the face of so much change? Wrinkles are not even visible… And the skin is quite different. If this is true these unrealistic changes and not photoshop, then Bravo to the hands of fairies!”, “Cornelia, your mother is fine at any age! I love it! But there is just a minus 15 years – no less! A real punk lady”.