Мама Стеши Маликовой дает советы фанатам дочери Elena Malikova shared their experiences and views with little feet and heiress. Subscribers will Stesi Malikova were in awe of the fact that I can hear the opinion of an adult, and therefore began to ask numerous questions. Most young girls interested in beauty secrets and relationship with parents and the opposite sex.

      Мама Стеши Маликовой дает советы фанатам дочери

      16-year-old daughter of the famous singer Dmitry Malikov Stefania enjoys great popularity in social networks. For the life of the girls watched a few thousand fans. Herself the heiress of a musician constantly in contact with loyal subscribers. She tries to answer questions of followers, shares his opinion and even give advice to those who sought for help in difficult situations. Not so long ago to communicate with fans of 16-year-old girl joined the mother Stasi Elena. She gladly shared their life experiences with the fans his child. It is necessary to tell that fans were happy to hear the opinion of an adult, but because in the social network Malikova, Jr. fell down the questions addressed to her mother.

      Teens interested in a variety of topics ranging from relationships with parents and ending with questions of beauty. Mom Stasi was happy to talk about how is to change the appearance – plastic surgery, dye my hair. But young female fans Malikova was asked about life Stasi. Most of them were interested in how parents relate to the suitors of his daughter.

      “I don’t choose the grooms Stesha, I think it’s a personal choice. First and foremost the child needs to be happy, and you will have to explain to the child, and he needs to hear is that the satellite does not have to be an idiot,” – said Elena Malikova. Also the mother of the girl gave his opinion that does not support early marriages, and therefore does not wish her daughter married before 22 years.

      Mom Stephanie Malikova chases her suitors

      Fans thanked Stesa for this opportunity. “You have such a wonderful mother! Just tell it! How they raised you well. Your outer beauty match the inner! You are wonderful”, “Lucky mom and you. And my mother does not like. Insulted and humiliated all the time”, – shared his impressions of the subscribers girls. In addition, they could themselves to make sure Stasi with her parents a great relationship.

      Herself 16-year-old Malikov has repeatedly stated its attachment to the parents. Despite the fact that sometimes she gets negative comments in the address, she is quite calm. For her the only important thing is that no one insulted her family.

      “Delete only what concerns my parents. Talk about me all You want, behind and in person, I absolutely violet. But about the parents not even stutter,” – said Stesha.

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