Митя Фомин похвастался накачанным телом
Popular singer Mitya Fomin often pleases its subscribers with new photos from everyday life.

Митя Фомин похвастался накачанным телом

On the same day the artist decided to show off the result of resistance training, thereby able to build the press. He published the photo, which raises the edge of the shirt, showing his six-pack.

Митя Фомин похвастался накачанным телом

“Always had a dream to have perfect abs, well, just reinforced abs. As shown, the belly is one of the most whimsical places on the body. Especially on my! Sometimes, people are born and live, without thinking, eat and sleep as much as you want, and still beautiful… immediately need daily work, especially when you’re over 40!” – said Mitya in his microblog.

Members admired the zeal of the actor and praised him for such a tangible result. The main thing that the singer did not relax and not launched themselves.

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