Михаил Пореченков и Ингеборга Дапкунайте сыграют в русской адаптации сериала «Мост»

Following the Russian version of the American “house”, the main role in which play Alexey Serebryakov in the production run of the TV series “the Bridge”. At the moment about the project we know very little. The main roles in a Russian adaptation of a Swedish-Danish detective will play Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Mikhail Porechenkov.

The plot of the series will be built around a murder investigation on a bridge between the Russian Ivangorod and Estonian Narva, on which was found a female corpse. From the Russian side in fact involved the investigator Maxim Kazantsev, Estonian inspector Inga Verma.

Planned to shoot 20 episodes of 45 minutes. The Director of the series “the Bridge” will be the author of telehita “Major” Konstantin Statskiy.

Premiere date is not called.


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