Майкл Дуглас возмущен предъявленными ему обвинениями в сексуальных домогательствах
Last fall, the West became a scandal because of sexual harassment by a famous producer Harvey Weinstein.

Майкл Дуглас возмущен предъявленными ему обвинениями в сексуальных домогательствах

Now the accusations brought against actor Michael Douglas. A former employee of the actor said about his indecent behaviour in her presence. Douglas is outraged by such accusations.

Майкл Дуглас возмущен предъявленными ему обвинениями в сексуальных домогательствах

“I received a letter from my lawyer, in which he told me that a few publications are going to publish the story of an employee that worked for me 30 years ago. First, she said that I was vulgar talking in her presence but not with her. It was a private conversations with friends.

Second, she claims that I blocked off all ways into the industry, although I actually just fired her for poor performance and no more. Thirdly, I got the accusation that allegedly masturbated in front of this woman. But this is an absolute lie. I would never have allowed themselves such behavior. Moreover, I support the women’s movement,” — said the actor.

Michael is very worried about their children, who may become objects of ridicule of their peers because of this situation.

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