СМИ: Криштиану Роналдо намекнул на беременность возлюбленной

Poor celebrities! They always have to think carefully about your images: one careless movement – and the media headlines are already a riot of sensations. It happened with the Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, who has published on his page in the social network joint photos with model Georgina Rodriguez, a novel which is attributed to him since November last year. All anything, but the picture shows Cristiano put his hand on the stomach of the girl, that seemed very symbolic to the public and the media. Now there is a perception that Ronaldo has hinted at a pregnancy model.

The couple appeared together at the ceremony of awarding The Best FIFA Football Awards together with the son of the footballer – as evidence of serious intent Cristiano to Georgina. In just a few hours the Ronaldo and his lover got three million likes and tsunami discussion.
Seemed suspicious to subscribers and the fact that the athlete had previously been careful not to advertise their relationship with Georgina, avoided questioning journalists, and then developed and published a joint photo. Probably something pushed him to do it. Waiting for the official review.