Максим Галкин поделился тем, почему Михаил Задорнов не показывал свою семью
10 Nov passed away popular satirist Mikhail Zadornov, and this news came as a shock to many of his fans, colleagues and family.

Максим Галкин поделился тем, почему Михаил Задорнов не показывал свою семью

Friends of the comedian trying to protect itself from public attention, and Maxim Galkin explained the reason for this behavior.

Максим Галкин поделился тем, почему Михаил Задорнов не показывал свою семью

“He for decades had collected huge halls. With all the publicity managed to hide their lives from prying eyes. There are people who can afford to put their life or part of it organically. And now his family was under the scrutiny of the paparazzi. They are not ready, they are intelligent, quiet people,” said Maxim.

Native satirist asked that Galkin has brought to all that they don’t want to be Frank about the deceased loved one and ask them not to bother.

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