Марина Федункив хочет усыновить "солнечного" ребенка
Recently a loyal fans of actress Marina Fedunkiv were shocked by the news about her divorce with spouse Michael.

Марина Федункив хочет усыновить "солнечного" ребенка

The couple lived together for 13 years, but they never became parents. Now 44-year-old Marina is thinking about adopting a child from the orphanage.

“I would like to adopt a “sun” child. Healthy children all they want, but because everyone has the right to happiness. You know, to take the child now, the more “sun” child who needs constant care and affection – it means to finish my career in the same moment. For the record I do not want to, here’s a little old and think about this issue seriously,” says the woman.

According to Marina, with her husband, they decided to leave due to the fact that the feelings have faded and there is no sense simply to tolerate each other.

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