Мария Ситтель станет мамой в пятый раз In the family presenter is expected addition. According to the journalists, Maria Sittel is on the fourth month of pregnancy.

      Мария Ситтель станет мамой в пятый раз

      In the family of the famous TV presenter Maria Sittel soon expected addition. As it became known, now the journalist is the fourth month of pregnancy. Joyful event has not affected the work – at an early period of Mary’s not going to stop to work on television. For Maria Sittel and her husband Oleksandr Tereshchenko this baby will be the fifth. Shared a couple with three sons – Ivan, Savva and Nicholas and daughter Daria from the first marriage of the stars of the ether.

      I must say, Maria Sittel is one of the few stars of television that manages to build a brilliant career and be an exemplary wife and mother. TV presenter, attentive to each of his heirs and actively monitors both their academic progress at school and personal interests.

      Fans are raising many children do not get tired to admire her hard work and energy that allows her to combine all that is really important. By the way, Mariya Sittel also actively teaches at the Institute MITRO and regularly shares his experience with young journalists. In short, Sittel can be called truly successful woman, which took place not only in profession but also in his personal life.

      I must say, we presenter a very special approach to the education of children. “I have time. Children make us wiser. I don’t know, where does this understanding, but now for me the important thing is that they’re all here, they’re near, they’re mine! When I get tired, my family see it, they understand that it’s hard for me and, of course, try to help. Sometimes I just say, “Give me 10 minutes”. And go to the room where you can be alone. It is necessary to extinguish emotions, just breathe. By the way, a wonderful way to escape. Children cannot be offended, they are your continuation, so you. How can you blame them? Children do not save neither the Soviets nor the discipline or rigor. They survive on our love” – shared with journalists Maria Sittel.

      Currently, the celebrity is in happy anticipation of the fifth heir. According to reports LifeNews, Mary, four months pregnant, and she and her husband Aleksandr Tereshchenko incredibly happy.

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