Мария Шумакова опровергла слухи о том, что стала мамой
A few days ago in the microblog actress Maria Shumakova there was a picture that caused active discussion in the Network.

Мария Шумакова опровергла слухи о том, что стала мамой

The picture shows the star of the series “Sweet life” posing with the stroller. As a result, the fans felt that Mary became a mother and began to congratulate her on the birth of a child. To this the actress replied in a rather harsh manner.

Мария Шумакова опровергла слухи о том, что стала мамой

“About strollers, child-free and other travel… I Read your comments under the post with a pram. Answer. I’m not expecting a baby and do not even plan yet. Sure cute pregnant may not interfere career: a lot of examples, when the actress starred in the movie before the birth, and then immediately fled to the frame, a few days after. It’s more about responsibility. While I’m willing to bear it only for himself. Want to travel, explore the world and people. All the questions that “soon 30”, just don’t answer.

First, medicine has stepped forward widely — IVF, surrogacy and other pleasures of life allow you to become a mother when you’re really ready. In my opinion, is a revolution in women’s life if a few dozen years the woman was guided by a biological clock in the area of family life, now only your desire and willingness. I think it’s crazy cool!

About child-free, I know a lot of women who have lived their lives, never giving anyone life. Happy and feel great. The planet, incidentally, quite crowded, and therefore expect from every female offspring, at least, presumptuous!” — said Shumakov.

Despite the rather abrupt form of answer subscribers of the actress thanked her for such a detailed statement.

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