Мария Миронова ответит на вопросы поклонников в прямом эфире 1 марта в 18:00
The actress will meet with Catherine Velichenko to tell the latest news of the professional and personal life.

On the first day of spring at 18.00 a visit to Catherine Velichenko come Maria Mironova. Famous and talented actress rarely gives interviews. It serves
the Lenkom theatre, and has toured extensively on and take off.

Now Mary is in a film “the ring”, where
in addition Mironova played Eugene Brick, Irina Rozanova, Maria Golubkina, Maxim Vitorgan and other popular artists.

According to numerous requests of fans, which Maria
treated with great respect and affection, she agreed to tell Catherine
live the latest news from the personal and professional life.

Readers 7days.ru there is a unique opportunity to ask
questions to the actress during the online broadcast. The author of the best question that
choose star, will receive a prize — a spectacular scarf-a scarf from the Italian brand Amina
Rubinacci. We remind you that you have a possibility to watch online stream is not
only on the website 7days.ru but in our group in social networks
“Classmates” and “Vkontakte”.