У Марата Башарова появятся еще дети - сын и дочь The actor has decided to take custody of Syrian orphans – a seven year old and five year old ASMA Ahmad. Girl and boy are now living in a refugee camp in Lebanon. Marat Basharov is going to take care of children, to support financially, to provide kids with everything necessary.
У Марата Башарова появятся еще дети - сын и дочь

Renowned actor Marat Basharov going to take care of two Syrian children refugee boy Ahmad, who is five years old, and seven-year old ASMA. So, says Basharov, he will fulfill his civic and religious duty. We will remind, Marat is Muslim.

According to the mufti of Moscow, Ildar Alyautdinov’s, “guardianship is a monthly financial support Basharov Syrian children”. Syrian refugee children, under Sharia law, are considered as orphans, because growing up without fathers, now they are in Lebanon, in a camp for displaced pereselencev. In this case the boy has six brothers and sisters, and the girl – five. Officially, the guardianship will issue at the end of this month, when representatives of the Russian side will meet with the Syrians to sign the relevant documents. From this point Basharov will be able to transfer money to Ahmad and ASMA, make sure the kids had everything we needed – food, clothing, a roof over my head.

“I’m well aware of the condition of refugees and their difficult situation. And I will put all my strength to the lives of Syrian children was slightly better. I get scared when I hear that children are living in tents, sleeping on mattresses or even on the ground and just malnourished,” said Marat Basharov.

Marat Basharova already have two bio kids – 13-year-old daughter Amelie from the actual marriage with Elizabeth Crocco and son Marcel from the current wife Elizabeth Shevarchinot. The boy in the summer of 2018 will mark two years. The actor was married to actress Catherine Ancharovoj, but children in this marriage was not. But there’s a major scandal and even fights. So, Catherine once went to the hospital with a broken nose and concussion, she said about the violent incidents of Marat, his addiction to alcohol. Public opinion strongly condemned the actor for beating spouses, Basharova reputation was ruined, Marat repeatedly apologized for what he did.

At the same time, akersgaten as a very anxious father. He communicates much with her daughter and loves heir, tells how happy to be the father of the boy as coddling him like dreams that baby quickly grew up.

Marat Basharov goes to desperate measures in the upbringing of his son

Basharov, who had, as he admits, a happy childhood, now wants to actively help disadvantaged children: “I would love to have children of Syria, Lebanon, and other countries was exactly the same as in the Soviet school: a peaceful sky over your head, confidence in the future, friends, alive and healthy parents,” said the actor in conversation with RIA Novosti.