Мадонна нашла утешение в объятьях нового юного бойфренда
New lover of the singer’s younger than her 32 years..

Мадонна нашла утешение в объятьях нового юного бойфренда


Photo: Fotodom.ru

Abubakar Samaroha

Photo: Instagram.com

Even the most dedicated
and, it would seem, already familiar to all Madonna fans were shocked to learn
that 57-year-old pop star began Dating 25-year-old black handsome by Abukar

Claimed to be
the singer met with a young man at a party at
mutual friends last November. Abukar, who previously worked as a salesman in a London supermarket
Harrods, by the time
Dating with Madonna tried to make a career in modeling. Since their meeting time, the star and her PAL had been seen several times together, including when they
went together from the house of the singer. But now their relationship is clearly moved to a new
level. On demand of the Madonna, Abukar resigned my job and joined
its already far not the young girlfriend, making tour!

The singer, as can be seen,
urgently needed the support of her new lover, because she was on
verge of a nervous breakdown during the battle for custody of her runaway son Rocco. Madonna, as
you know, terribly worried about the implications of the evolving
the trial in which she is clearly defeated. Because losing the case would lead,
apparently, to the fact that she will forever lose his son…

Quite recently
trouble Madonna added another is the biological father of her adopted 10-year-old
son David said he wants to claim her son back. Mr. Johann
The gang believes that it is better his son will live in poverty in his native
the African country of Malawi, will be involved in immoral, from his point
of view, the way of life of the pop star. The last straw for Gang Sr.
was the fact that Madonna banned
David to visit his brother Rocco in London. They say she is afraid that David
also refuses to return and stay with guy Ritchie in the UK… “What
this makes Madonna with their children that they are so eager to escape?!” — wants to know the father adopted son of the singer.

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