Любовь Толкалина призналась, почему проигнорировала «Кинотавр»
The actress refused to travel at the last moment.

Lyubov Tolkalina

Photo: @Instagram tolkalinaliuba love Tolkalina

On the eve of Sochi hosted the closing ceremony of “Kinotavr”. In eight days in Sochi, it seems, visited all the capital’s Beau Monde. Lyubov Tolkalina this year ignored film festival held at the Black sea coast. Why did the actress refused to views presented at the festival of films, vivid all-night parties and socializing with friends? As it turned out, Love was preparing for a trip to the “Kinotavr”, but at the last moment he changed his mind…

Instead Tolkalina spent time with family. This year for her more important and relevant was the communication with her daughter, 17-year-old Maria. “I read the tape, see the brilliant beauties, my friends and colleagues in the luxurious summer dresses on the red carpet, on the beach, at parties, on viewing… asking Me why I’m not at “Kinotavr”. I don’t even know what to say… I was invited, going, found my jet migratory schedule time and work were all about. Chose dresses and jewelry, in a very long time my beloved pearl jewelry, but the day before the red carpet suddenly realized that these two days I want to spend at home with my daughter… — said Love. — Just realized that can’t fly, my heart wouldn’t let me. I finally spent time with the goddaughter of Barbara, we haven’t seen for several years. I went to see the parents, see friends. Spent the day at home and my soul was filled with joy and peace… it was a breath of air!”

The choice between family and work is constantly before women combining careers with motherhood. The decision to spend time with family, to the detriment of interesting ideas in the movie can make not every actress. But Tolkalina of those people who knows how to listen to yourself and your loved ones. Moreover, the “Kinotavr” — an annual event, but the growing up of children is the process is extremely fleeting.