Любовь Полищук чувствовала свою вину перед сыном
Unknown facts from the life of the actress.


Director Andrei Zhitinkin told about how Lyubov Polishchuk conquered the capital.

“Luba has often been said that the phrase “Moscow does not believe in tears” is just about
it, — says the Director. — Because it is a long time stormed the capital, filling his bumps and bruises.
And bruises as figuratively and literally, broke my knees when
the time of work in the music hall worked where possible. First
the husband remained in Omsk, and Luba little Alex was shot in Moscow the angles and
some time was forced to give son to boarding school because of what she
terribly worried. But the other way of Luba were wound with

Like many Actresses who tour a lot, Polishchuk began to experience strong feelings of guilt towards her son.

“Son, she, of course, adored. And very worried that something he didn’t — continues Zhitinkin. And even when Alexey Makarov became an adult and lived separately, he went to have his stories, his novels, Luba any of the tour he definitely brought something that was constantly fed. Sometimes I had the feeling that she is his such a big guy that will strangle your love. But Alex is not one of those who can mothers afford. You know, when the Alesha’s seeming recklessness, he is very stubborn and strong-willed. In the field received only at the second attempt, no one spoke, what was his family. However, no one even knew! Even I found out by accident, and when he was already playing in my performances. We toured a lot in America, Germany, and Israel. And here in Israel, Sasha Domogarov on some feast suddenly asked Alex: “how mother, how is she doing?” Makarov said, “Yeah not a good time right now in cinema.” It was the mid 90s — the era of cooperative cinema. I was curious, and I quietly asked Domogarova: “Sash, and who his mother?” And for me was the discovery that Alex is the son of Lyubov Polishchuk”.

The full interview can be read here.