Лунный посевной календарь 2017 — январь

People have always a special meaning in the movement of the heavenly bodies. That is exactly what appeared astrology, followed by astronomy. Although astrology is considered a science because few, influence of moon phase on human health, the tides, and the development and growth of plants — a proven scientific fact. Lunar sowing calendar is used by many gardeners in different regions, noting that these skills prove to be really useful. It will be useful, and lovers of houseplants.

In 2017 we continue the series of articles “Lunar planting calendar 2017”, which will help gardeners to determine the most favorable periods for carrying out those or other works, depending on the phases of the moon and position of the zodiac signs. Of course, all the tips below are Advisory and conditional, however, in the spring, when gardeners are actively working on their plots, can be very useful.

Lunar planting calendar 2017 — January

Dentotechnical regarding the work in the garden and огороде1ВодолейРастущая lunaposada not рекомендуются2РыбыРастущая Lunatone to plant, to water, to fertilize plants in the greenhouse or дома3РыбыРастущая Lunatone to plant, to water, to fertilize plants in the greenhouse or дома4ОвенРастущая Lunatone to plant, to water, to fertilize plants in the greenhouse or дома5ОвенПервая chetvertogo sowing of greens and vegetables for cultivation in the room conditions, an effective fight against вредителями6ТелецРастущая Lunatone sowing of greens and vegetables for cultivation in the room conditions, an effective fight against вредителями7ТелецРастущая Lunatone sowing of greens and vegetables for cultivation in the room conditions, effectively making удобрений8ТелецРастущая Lunatone sowing of greens and vegetables for cultivation in the indoor environment, effectively making удобрений9БлизнецыРастущая Lunatone to loosen the soil, to deal with overhead вредителями10БлизнецыРастущая Lunatone to loosen the soil, to deal with overhead вредителями11РакРастущая Lunachicky the time for replanting at home or in теплице12РакПолнолуниеПосадки not рекомендуются13ЛевСтареющая Lunaposada not рекомендуются14ЛевСтареющая Lunaposada not рекомендованы15ДеваСтареющая Lunacharskii time for loosening, fertilizing, pest control почвы16ДеваСтареющая Lunacharskii time for loosening, fertilizing, pest control почвы17ВесыСтареющая Lunaposada herbs and bulbous plants for the greenhouse. Recommended feeding flowers, watering, hoeing почву18ВесыСтареющая Lunaposada herbs and bulbous plants for the greenhouse. Recommended feeding flowers, watering, hoeing почву19ВесыСтареющая Lunaposada herbs and bulbous plants for the greenhouse. Recommended feeding flowers, watering, hoeing почву20СкорпионПоследняя chetvertaja transplant houseplants. Recommended feeding flowers, watering, hoeing почву21СкорпионСтареющая Lunardon transplant houseplants. Recommended feeding flowers, watering, hoeing почву22СтрелецСтареющая Lunatone to loosen and fertilize the soil, to deal with overhead вредителями23СтрелецСтареющая Lunatone to loosen and fertilize the soil, to deal with overhead вредителями24СтрелецСтареющая Lunatone to loosen and fertilize the soil, to deal with overhead вредителями25КозерогСтареющая Lunarcalendar planting seeds, loosening the soil and pest control почвы26КозерогСтареющая Lunarcalendar planting seeds, loosening the soil and pest control почвы27ВодолейСтареющая Lunaposada not рекомендуются28ВодолейНоволуниеПосадки not рекомендуются29РыбыРастущая Lunaposada not рекомендуются30РыбыРастущая Lunatone to plant herbs and houseplants. You can loosen the soil and make удобрения31РыбыРастущая Lunatone to plant herbs and houseplants. You can loosen the soil and make fertilizer

Remember that lunar planting calendar gardener is a recommendation. The influence of lunar phases on plant growth is not as great as timely irrigation and matching weather conditions when planting and other work.