Давай поженимся! Роза Сябитова выходит замуж
The groom of the famous matchmaker lives in Cyprus.

Rose Sabitova

Photo: Instagram

The star of the show “let’s get married!”finally heard these
the long-awaited words, and not in a television Studio. Recently
Rose often flies to Cyprus, where her fiance is Rinat, and it looks like it is configured
strongly. Sabitova admitted that the man had proposed to her and she willingly

“Married, apparently, will be released this year, —
quotes the TV presenter life.ru. — I have already received the offer of a hand
and heart. The main condition which was put to her companion, I don’t
show. He show business has no relation. If he wants to be next
to me, no one should not know. He accepted this condition — said
teleshko. — Not yet fully decided whether I will put a stamp in the passport. In mine
age it is better to choose a guest marriage.

I had planned at some time to buy a property for
border. Now not going to buy anything — she is my lover. In
the current relationship I have created good conditions for happiness, joy and pleasant
pastimes. I did miss you, he wanted to rest in the village
the plane flew”.

Fortunately, the negative experience of a previous marriage in which
ex-husband Yuri Andreyev raised a hand to her, not stole Sabitova desire
to get married again.