Лена Миро жестко высказалась о шумихе вокруг Дианы Шурыгиной The blogger defended its position in the high-profile case of a teenage girl. Lena Miro talks about the relationship of young people to the opposite sex. Fans believe that the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the parents who raised their children this way.

      Лена Миро жестко высказалась о шумихе вокруг Дианы Шурыгиной
      Лена Миро жестко высказалась о шумихе вокруг Дианы Шурыгиной

      The last month of tense discussion, the 17-year-old girl from Ulyanovsk Diana Shurygina. She stated to the police that at a party in a country house she was raped by two young men. However, only one of them was punished and is in prison. After the appearance of the victim in the program “Let speak” her story caused a flurry of discussions and literally split the public into two camps. The rapist Diana Shurygina turned to her

      Infamous blogger Lena Miro is also not remained aloof from the subject, and hastened to Express their opinion. She did not support or condemn the actions of Diana Shurygina, and tried to perform that can help girls avoid becoming victims.

      “To avoid rape. There are situations in which the probability is zero. And it’s not booze with the guys in the country. Herself climb, run, do not comply with safety rules – sooner or later you’ll be raped. Yes, the criminal is not justified, but will not save you,” says the blogger.
      Лена Миро жестко высказалась о шумихе вокруг Дианы Шурыгиной

      Followers of Lena Miro fully agreed with her statement. They believe that parents should monitor how their daughter dresses, what company spends time and talks with the opposite sex.

      “And I feel sorry for her. Not because he raped or harassment suit. But because it was brought up. Because that’s what’s actually abnormal is the norm”, “If parents were attentive to their children, or rather their education, conversations and free time, it would be much less of such situations. In most cases, the responsibility for what happened with the parents! In adolescence, not everyone is able to independently analyze the situation and draw conclusions about the consequences, there is need of parental care”, “Parents are to blame as they let go the youngster to the country to drink? It is beyond my comprehension,” said Miro subscribers.

      Lena also emphasized that men should also keep their own instincts, even if the woman looks defiantly, brightly painted and behaves casually. In her opinion, it does not give the boys any right to be disrespectful to girls. Diana’s parents Shurygino met with the family of her rapist

      After the program Andrei Malakhov, Diana has not only received a barrage of criticism, but also tremendous support. Supporters of the teenager believe that she did the right thing by contacting the police and telling about their tragedy for the whole country. According to them, this story will be a lesson for young people.