Лариса Гузеева заступилась за «растрепанную» Водянову

Fans continue to criticize the appearance of a supermodel.

4 Jun Natalia Vodianova became a mother for the fifth time. But for a long time in decree to stay supermodel did not and three weeks later after birth took the podium. The audience was perplexed: five children – and such a figure!

However, motherhood takes a very long time, and in real life, away from work, Natasha did not bother much about his appearance.

Vodianova recently posted in “Instagram” selfie in a stretched turtleneck and tail, and the audience gasped. The supermodel, known throughout the world, allows himself to look like that?

The TV presenter Larisa Guzeeva was found with Natalia Vodianova in Nizhny Novgorod, what hastened to tell his “Integral”.

“The Lovely Natasha. Was found in Nizhny Novgorod. Scattered”, – has signed a snapshot of Larisa. However, not all fans have supported the rating Guzeeva about the “lovely Natasha”.

“And what in it beautiful?”, “I also tried to consider the beautiful, except for the worn, weary face could not see anything”, “Restrepo! That it beautiful?”, indignant subscribers.

But Guzeeva became silent and turned to the critics.

“All the guardians of morality, to all the beauties who Natalia Vodianova sloppy, all the defects of the “male” sex, who would not Vodianova… “love”, suggest: pick up a drum and build from my page” sharply responded the 57-year-old TV presenter.