Курбан Омаров не торопится прекращать домашнее затворничество
Many wondered why Kurban Omarov threw work and more time at home.

Курбан Омаров не торопится прекращать домашнее затворничество

In the words of Eid “and sitting at home you can earn millions”, and thus millions of people who bring Omarov being out of the office, was added to the study.

Курбан Омаров не торопится прекращать домашнее затворничество

Today lobster in his blog said, what is trained within the walls of a country house.

Курбан Омаров не торопится прекращать домашнее затворничество

“Yesterday saw the news that finally the country is seriously thinking about distance education. Well, this is emphasized by the President himself. In my opinion it is right, I have this year firmly learn online. Just two days ago watched the remaining webinars on investment in cryptocurrency and the blockchain. Modern technologies have stepped far forward in order to obtain the specialized knowledge is not necessarily present in the audience.”

he writes in his blog.

Курбан Омаров не торопится прекращать домашнее затворничество

Курбан Омаров не торопится прекращать домашнее затворничество

Well, we wish the owner as soon as possible to proveriti new knowledge. Well, until this moment has not come, the feast is help as Instagram, where he reklamiruet:

Курбан Омаров не торопится прекращать домашнее затворничество

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