Курбан Омаров поругался с Ксенией Бородиной из-за дорогого подарка The man remembered the recent conflict situation. Ksenia Borodina gave wife a gorgeous Quad, but it is unexpectedly upset the head of the family. According to the choice of the presenter, a woman should not make such gifts.
Курбан Омаров поругался с Ксенией Бородиной из-за дорогого подарка

Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov is considered one of the brightest pairs of domestic show-business. The couple do not get tired to confess each other in love and happy to spend all their time together. For the family, the presenter moved to a luxury country house where the heirs of the stars can play in the fresh air. In honor of such a significant event, a young woman gave her husband a gorgeous Quad, but the gift suddenly became the cause of conflict.

In a recent interview with Kurban decided to comment on the situation.

“A woman should not do a man such expensive gifts, it’s men’s territory. However, I was very pleased that Ksenia guessed it, came straight to the point. So we were fighting not for long,” said Eid.

According to men, they Xenia always try to find compromise and avoid conflict. The man does not deny, that he and his wife had to go through a difficult stage, but the big fight only strengthened their relationship, helped to once again confirm the sincerity of the feelings.

“We have always been and are the main children, love and concern about each other. Family is very important to be able to build a dialogue, because without it life together would be doomed. People who can talk and find a solution in the dialogue process, is the key to successful, strong family “, – said Omarov.

Kurban tries to maintain the spouse. However, he admits that for about a year not watching “House-2”. According to the man behind the project, you should watch daily to understand all the twists and turns, and he doesn’t have much free time.

A businessman tries to communicate with his daughter Thea, and Xenia heir from his first marriage with Mary. A frequent guest in their country mansion is the son of Eid al Omar. A man wants to instill in your child respect for others and the necessity of caring for the sisters. However, lobsters do not consider myself a strict parent.

“All my upbringing is reduced to dialogue. I in any case does not show the son his power. If necessary, we sit down and talk. I never tell Omar to mistakes, but asking questions, answering which, he concludes, did the right thing or not. First and foremost, we educate the son of a person. And orders can not achieve this,” said Eid.

In an interview with “House-2.Life” lobster admitted that they Ksenia love spending time with children, but still try to pay attention to each other. Together the couple recently went on vacation to new York. They walked around town and enjoyed local cuisine. The TV presenter was left in awe of the journey, laying out some touching photos with her lover.