Ксения Алферова о закрытии «Жди меня»: «Мне горько!»
Host of the popular program commented extensively on the decision of the First channel.

Ksenia Alferova

Photo: Instagram

Ksenia Alferova decided to comment on the closure of the program “Wait for
me”, which the actress led on the First channel.

“For the past few weeks you ask me if
aired the program “Wait for me,” asked Xenia to his
fans. I know what you mean. I know that the company was preparing an updated Studio that the team that creates the program, there were many new
ideas that in the end of August we were supposed to be a new record, but the First channel
not extended his contract with the broadcaster. For what reasons? Only
guess. I can assume that business in a morbid ambitions of those in power.
How I feel about that? And how can you relate to the fact that again, one
the stroke of a pen, the hopes of thousands of people disappeared into oblivion?! I’m hurt, I’m bitter!
Sorry for the people who don’t miracle happens, their life is not
unfold 180 degrees, they can’t hug their daughters, sons,
brothers, fathers and mothers! Sad for an amazing team of people who are much
years ago under the leadership of the last romantic of our time Sergei
A. Kushnereva created this unique system of finding the people who created this
bright, talented, such a real program. And continued the business after his
sudden leaving. It’s not just a TV programme, this phenomenon is
however, it is life! And no matter who it is, it is important that she lived to the people
believed, waited and found each other! My head does not fit as possible
to take on this responsibility and to stop this. A kind of savagery,
my opinion. But let’s hope for a miracle, common sense, God! We believe that
this program will continue. And no matter what channel we will see tears
joy and happy smiles on the faces of the heroes that have found their relatives,
dear friends! Don’t get lost, hope, love, and believe are
no matter what!”

permutations on the First channel steel in secular circles the
discussed event of the past few weeks. “Gypsies noisy crowd at
Bessarabia wander” — that famous Pushkin line described
transfer marathon TV presenter Sergei
The majors, who now works at NTV. Viewers daily
reading the news about the closing of channel programs seem to have
confused: what
projects really will not be broadcast and which
will remain in the broadcasting schedule of the new season. Representatives of clear channel
the situation by publishing an official statement.