Ксения Алферова откровенно рассказала о своем отношении к Юлии Высоцкой
The actress commented on the dismissal from the show “Wait for me”.

Ksenia Alferova

Photo: @ksenialferova Instagram Ksenia Alferova

Recently it became known that the program “Wait for me” will be back on the screens of Russian TV viewers. Now the show will go on NTV, but this is not the only change that affected the project. Leadership on the eve announced the replacement of the leading program. As it became known, the place of Ksenia Alferova is Julia Vysotskaya.

Ksenia did not dare to comment on his dismissal. She told me that she was very sad to part with participants, spectators and crew “Wait for me”. But Alferov is confident that transmits TV show in good hands, as she had a good impression about Vysotskaya.

“I’m glad the characters will be in safe hands. Because this is no ordinary program, that every time a piece of real life, difficult, controversial, someone’s grief, joy, hope. For all the heroes is always a challenge ?— being in the Studio, emptying his life on our court. Therefore, the task of leading — to warm, to relax, to show genuine human interest, to support, to give these people a piece of their love, to share with them trouble or grief. It’s not about you program, and about them! — said Xenia. — I’m Julia, I personally do not know, but when you see the magazines with her interviews, always buy, I think this is one of the few in our media space of the living person! She’s very wise, warm, bright, true! It is now a rarity! Congratulations Julia, congratulations to the team, “Wait for me”, we are audience!”

In addition, Alferov expressed gratitude to all the people somehow involved in the filming of the program. Ksenia is in a philosophical mood, and said that the story of her departure from the “Wait for me” is the natural course of things. “It would be perverse to say that I am glad that I was in this program will be no more. Of course I’m sad. Of course I will miss meetings with fantastic characters, with talented, friendly and warm team, “Wait for me”, will miss this unique atmosphere that you feel like sitting in front of screens! But I think it’s the natural order of things! Everything flows, everything changes, a new experience appears new heights conquer, new people to meet!” — said Xenia.