Константин Меладзе рад судьбе за встречу с Верой Брежневой
Recently the famous producer and composer Konstantin Meladze spoke with Dmitry Gordon and openly answered his questions.

Константин Меладзе рад судьбе за встречу с Верой Брежневой

During the conversation, we were talking about the personal life of the producer, Constantine spoke about how he lives with his wife Vera Brezhneva.

“The ideal woman is the one with which you feel good and you’re happy. Everyone has his own ideal. It should match you like the key to the lock. I have a feeling that our love affair with Faith lasts forever, I met her in a 63 year – told the hearing. – With the appearance of this man, my life changed. I finally raised my head from the keyboard… Even I raised, and she took me by the hair. (…)

I didn’t care where I rest, what I eat. I very much miss, because he was a maniacally passionate about their work. And Faith gave me a kick and woke the interest of a life other than the Studio and the music.”

According to Constantine, Faith is a very dedicated and hard working person who grasps instantly.

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