Кирилл Сафонов породнился с Валерией Кожевниковой
The actress became a faithful assistant and chief counselor of the artist.

Kirill Safonov and Valeria Kozhevnikov

Photo: Press service

Kirill Safonov was the most closest relative
Valerie Kozhevnikova, namely the husband of the actress. At the same time, of course, with his beloved
wife Sasha Savelyeva actor is not going to divorce. We are talking about the movie character
Safonov — Kirill starred in the film “life after Life” Dmitry
Astrakhan, which are held in Minsk.

The film tells the story of love. According to the scenario people who
sincerely love each other can be together even after death. “Heavenly court”
determines couples whose feelings are real and
they will spend eternity together in love, and for whom eternity would be a punishment
loneliness. In the role of judges and brought Kirill Safonov, who plays the banker and
celestial arbiter and Valeria Kozhevnikov — his lovely wife Laura. It is the second picture where the stars work together. Not so long ago finished shooting the author’s project of British Director Tony Kaye “HollyWhore”, where the actors also played lovers.

“I like to portray people from other eras, it’s like
allows me to travel in time, — said Kozhevnikov. — My Laura —
meek, quiet, modest girl of the nineteenth century, but at the same time has a strong
character. She is the backbone of her husband in adoption, at times, difficult

In the other world met spouses Nechaev. Known
producer and party boy, Yuriy Nechayev played by Alexander Domogarov and his wife
Lena, desperately fighting for family
happiness, Tatyana Kabanova. Film premiere is planned for 2018.