Кендалл Кардашьян не нравится имя новорожденной племянницы

Rob Kardashian, star of reality show “living with the Kardashian” mortally offended by her younger sister Kendall, who live on the talk show The Late Late Show’s James Korden laughed at the name of the newborn niece of Drim Kardashian.

During the program the host offered 21-year-old models to play a game in which she had to confide personal stuff. So James asked her to name the nieces and nephews in descending order to show which name she likes, and what – not.
“North, I always loved the North..” began Kendall, a little embarrassed – like it or not, someone will get hurt.
“Now we know one of them you hate” — added fuel to the fire of cord.
“North, San dream,” said Kendall.
Dream Kardashian is the first – born of her brother Rob. The girl came to light last week, and now the family are talking about it. Perhaps in the dislike of his niece played the role of hostility that all the Kardashians had for black Tea, the mother of the child.
“But I love you all. I love them all,” said Kendall after him.
Let’s see how it will react to eccentric parents dream Kardashian.