Кэти Перри по-царски угостила поклонников, пришедших на ее концерт
Singer’s show was held in a “heated” atmosphere.

Katy Perry


Katy Perry impressed the fans with their generosity:
the concert, held recently in Santa Barbara, a 33-year-old singer was treated to a free beer
all the participants on her show the audience.

The show was not commercial, but charitable in nature. Artist organized it in honor of the citizens who showed themselves heroes during
raged last year in the area of catastrophic forest fires. In
speaking Katie
suddenly turned to the audience: “I know a lot of guys here have been in the past
year. They really helped and also supported their wives, girlfriends and children… I
decided I wanted to treat today all: for you bar —
me!” The audience, of course, was very pleased and have used it
range , so the concert was even warmer than usual atmosphere.

By the way, Katie has not received
the expense from the bar. “They apparently can’t calculate how much I owe them!” laughing explained Perry. How does Cathy think she will have to fork out
a large sum, but she’s no regrets.

Lately Perry often is in a buoyant and
good mood: all because she’s in the midst of the second round of the novel
Orlando Bloom. Recall, Katie and Orlando, which began to meet in 2016
in March last year, announced the completion of his novel. However, it took a little
more than half a year since they began
again be seen together. In February of this year, Perry arrived at the wedding
sisters, caught the bride’s bouquet, which was perceived as her
the desire to quickly get married. However, after that she with a bouquet
sped rapidly away. Katie then commented then your
actions: “I know how to value friendship, but run away from love, which I have…”
Bloom replied, “You can of course try to run but you can’t
to hide from myself!” So no one was particularly surprised when in the past
month Katie announced — during a live
the broadcast of the TV show Entertainment Tonight: “I’m engaged and very happy!”.