Кэти Холмс рассталась с Джейми Фоксом

After her divorce from Tom cruise the actress can not arrange a personal life.

News of another star breakup came from overseas. Western tabloids in one voice insists that Katie Holmes parted ways with actor Jamie Foxx. Although the couple ever their relationship is not officially confirmed, about their affair, which lasts for two years, heard everything. According to rumors, the young people planned even in a short time to get married and move from new York to the estate of the Fox in California. Yes it is visible, not destiny.

Кэти Холмс рассталась с Джейми Фоксом

Кэти Холмс рассталась с Джейми Фоксом

Insiders claim that the causes of the disorder several. The first and most important – the daughter Katie from her marriage with Tom cruise Suri. Allegedly 10-year-old girl has not converged character with a newly minted stepfather and strongly opposed their marriage with mom. And still made it. Holmes mood daughter put far above his own happiness.

The second reason for the separation was the unwillingness of Jamie to flaunt their relationship with the actress. Friends of Katie say that she had asked her lover to declare publicly that she is his lady love. Fox for some reason was much more profitable to keep this relationship in secret, writes Parent Herald.

The third reason was Suri’s dad Tom cruise, who strongly opposed his daughter to live under one roof with another man. Star of paintings “Mission impossible” even threatened ex-wife by court order through the state agencies to fight for my daughter.

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