Катя Жужа призналась, почему перестала общаться с Ксенией Бородиной
Recently fans of the home electroni countries discussed the fight presenters Katie Susan and Ksenia Borodina.

Катя Жужа призналась, почему перестала общаться с Ксенией Бородиной

For a long time, the girls chose not to comment on the conflict that arose between them, but recently Kate for the first time decided to tell what happened. Previously Susan and Borodin were best friends and spent a lot of time together.

Катя Жужа призналась, почему перестала общаться с Ксенией Бородиной

“We weren’t fighting, we just stopped talking. I let go of the situation, because nothing the man did not do wrong. She just turned on me for no reason. She wrote to me: “You give me a little time, I write a little”. And all,” shared Kate.

Some time ago, the Network was actively discussed the fight Xenia and Olga Buzova, which she previously was also friendly relations. Borodin apparently not satisfied with the success of her girlfriends, and she just ceases to communicate with them.

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