Катя Гордон показала свой живот после кесарева сечения
Well-known businesswoman, singer and composer Kate Gordon does not shy about his body and has no complexes.

Катя Гордон показала свой живот после кесарева сечения

The other day she proved it, published in his microblog a picture in which clearly shows the scar left after a C-section in February.

It should be noted that Kate did not resort to any photoshop and showed it like it is.

“I know how to make the waist already in the program and retouch scars. But there is as it is – told Gordon to subscribers. This scar – the life of my second son and my. But it’s time to announce the search for a surgeon who will alter it and make neater. And a special Hello to Irina the masseuse who helped to bring my body in shape”.

The courage of Katie is simply amazing, because it shows his defect to the millions of fans who follow her life.

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