Канье Вест уволил охранника за его попытку поговорить с Ким Кардашьян

Here is Othello! Kanye West, it turns out that even the jealous moor, who watches every step of his precious wife Kim Kardashian. No one is allowed even to approach her Highness the star of a reality show, even if it is a bodyguard. So, on Monday one of the guards, Kim lost his job just because tried to talk to Kim during the Met Gala in new York.

39-year-old rapper lost his temper and after a short but very loud altercation, fired Steve Stanius only for what he said to Kim, coming out of her room at the Waldorf Astoria.
Previously Steve worked in the police Department of new York and worked as a security guard at the Leonardo Di Caprio and Alanis Morissette. Reporters contacted the man, who was excluded from the security team an hour after the incident, and asked if he was flirting with Kim.
“I’m happily married, I have three children and I have no comment,” Stephen said.
Rumor has it that this is not the first skirmish guard and Kanye West held it against him after in February this year, he heard the bodyguard complimented Kim.

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