Камиль Ларин и его супруга ждут второго ребенка The beloved stars of “Quartet” Catherine is in an interesting position. Despite the planned addition to the family, the woman continues to go out. Changes to the figure of the second half, Kamil Larin visible to the naked eye.

Recently the wife of a 50-year member of “the Quartet And” Kamil Larin, Catherine became out in the clothes free cut. A woman prefers clothes that won’t restrict movement. Changes in the figure of a lady entertainer visible to the naked eye. Fans of the artist realized that very soon his family will be updating: a 32-year-old wife Camille Larin is in an interesting position.

The kids who are waiting for the celebrity and his spouse, will be the second child of the couple. In Camille and Catherine also grows adorable son, Daniyar, who in February was two years old.

Despite the fact that the choice of the showman will soon become a mother, she continues to attend social events. Apparently, Catherine feels fine and does not complain of health problems. When Kamil Larin and his fiancee appear in public, they literally glow from happiness and accept numerous congratulations from the others.

Recall that the famous actor is also the father of 24-year-old Yana, who was born in his first marriage to Galina. The young man graduated from the faculty of sociology and personnel management at the State University of management, located in Moscow. In an interview, Camille admitted that very much talks to her son, but never insists on his point of view. The man also admitted that is a lot to learn from heir.

The second spouse of Kamil Larin was beautiful Ekaterina Andreeva. She graduated from MGIMO, and is fluent in several foreign languages. Many years ago the woman was engaged in figure skating, and even became a candidate master of sports. The couple met at the festival “Chereshnevy Les”.

Wedding lovers took place in September 2014, and a few months after the marriage ceremony the couple had an adorable son Daniyar. Close called it a Tribute. “He’s already manifests itself, – has shared with “StarHit” Catherine the last year. – Recently started to speak the first words: “Mama”, “Papa”, “let”, “no”. Run around the house – you need eyes and the eyes. Draw with it a bit with your palms, sculpt, build pyramids”.

As for the age difference, how lucky are recognized Catherine and Camille, she absolutely embarrassing. The couple are mad about each other and can’t get enough of the lovely success of Daniyar. Kamil Larin and his wife first told about the younger son