Джастин Бибер пожалел сбитого им папарацци
The victim called the singer a nice guy.

Джастин Бибер пожалел сбитого им папарацци

Justin Bieber


Before Justin Bieber was involved in a very unpleasant incident, which
surprisingly, it helped to correct his scandalous reputation. An accident which the culprit was
Justin introduced the singer in the most favorable light!

the evening began for 23-year-old Bieber is just awful: leaving the Parking lot on his huge
the jeep, he didn’t notice suddenly popped up in front of his car, the paparazzi and knocked
it! Loudly screaming from pain, the photographer fell to the ground. Bieber immediately jumped out of
the car and ran to the paparazzi, intending to help him to rise. The singer fell in front of the photographer on his knees and
began to inquire about his health. The victim said that he
apparently a broken leg. Then Justin called paramedics and police, and
sat next to a reporter before the arrival of the doctors, expressing sympathy and repenting
in his negligence.

on a scene there has arrived police, the photographer said that will not
to press charges against Bieber. And the next day posted on the social
the network video in which he called Justin a “good guy who knows how to empathize with other people.” And
noticed that envies him. “Accidents happen sometimes, nothing
done…,” he added. And now Bieber in the end, looks are not the culprit, and almost
that “good Samaritan”…

Justin Bieber


unfortunate for Justin in this story is that the incident happened when he
was in a particularly elevated mood
came out of the Church after the service. The fact that the last time Justin
he turned to religion. He got the pastor — a priest who
name is Carl Lentz. And, according to Bieber, the pastor became his second father.