Юлия Проскурякова прокомментировала информацию об измене мужу
The singer laughed at the ridiculous speculation on the Internet.

Julia Proskuryakova

Wife of Igor Nikolaev and Yulia Proskuryakova laugh
appeared in the Internet information about the fact that she cheated on her husband. Publications
were talking about the change the professional, but fans of the stars in the first
foremost, I thought about adultery.

“What a ridiculous and absurd headlines sometimes you
imagine! Well, a very radical approach! — laughs the singer. — Why not just
to write that Marina and Julia Proskuryakova shot a video for the song “For
my daughter”? Why so complicate things and invent?”

Recall the song “daughter” is unique in that it is the first
composition, in which the author of music and words not Igor Nikolaev and Elena Esenina.

Julia met Elena Esenina, the author of the song,
thanks to social networks, and soon the actress was found in real life.
“Writing a song “For the girl”, dedicated to the daughter of the Seraphim, Esenin
offered Julia to sing it together. Julia liked the idea. However, Igor Nikolayev
not remained aloof: he had done a musical arrangement. Girls recorded
your games: Lena is in Spain, Julia is in Moscow. The track is already in
rotation on radio and loved by the audience.

It is also interesting that in the clip debuted as an actress daughter of a pair of — year-old Veronica.