Джонни Депп и Эмбер Херд: от безумной любви до ненависти

Rumors that the couple is not going smoothly, go for a long time. Supposedly, Depp was fascinated by the alcohol. And amber cried that she married “the other johnny”. In any case, it doesn’t matter now. Hurd filed for divorce, putting the reason “Irreconcilable differences”. And Depp divorce gave!

It seems that lately Depp’s too much stress. Quarrel with Hurd, the death of his mother and, finally, divorce. To divorce the actor was summoned three days after the death of a loved person… Although unlikely it was for Depp big surprise. Admittedly, the couple relationship went wrong a long time… johnny was not on the anniversary of his beloved, and the antics of actor publicly talked about his mental state.

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Depp didn’t even bother to fight for the woman once left the family…

“I would hope that the termination of this short marriage will be resolved quickly,” he said through a representative (read more HERE).

However, quickly it will turn out hardly. Together the couple amassed children, but significantly increased the size of Bank accounts.

The familiarity and care of the family

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Novel johnny and amber broke out on the set of paintings “the Rum diary”. Although at first, few people took him seriously. After all, to Depp, the actress preferred the company of women.

Her friend’s life was the artist Tasya van Ri, and in the middle of last year, when in a relationship with Depp the crisis came, Belle spent a lot of time in the society of the French model Marie de Villepin.

But despite that, amber then once again chose Depp and returned to his beloved, which in principle does not surprising. Although Depp is not the first Hollywood handsome, in the 52 years he easily will give odds to any macho!

For the actor marriage to Hurd became the second. He married for the first time in 20 years on the artist Lori Anne Allison, but the lovers have lived together for two years, then fled.

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After you had an affair with actress Sherilyn Fenn, Jennifer grey dancer, Muse, Tim Burton, Winona Ryder, and lastly Kate moss (read more HERE).

It is, perhaps, were the craziest relationships in the life of a “pirate”: the endless quarrels and reconciliation, party non-stop, drugs, alcohol and unrestrained passion.

But four years later, Depp realized that such a life he doesn’t like, and broke with the long-legged beauty.

And met the woman of a lifetime – French actress Vanessa Paradis. Together they stayed for almost 14 years. And Vanessa gave Depp’s two children.

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