Дженнифер Лопес рассказала о скандале с Полом Марчиано

2 Feb 66-year-old co-founder of the brand Guess Paul Marciano responded to the scandalous record 25-year-old Kate Upton on Twitter. The accused, the creative Director of the brand in sexual harassment. Marciano said he was not going to apologize because innocent, and offered the girl to go to court, if she has any complaints.

As Jennifer Lopez became the face of the brand, she could not remain silent and expressed his opinion about the situation. The singer said that he has always been against harassment and protect victims of harassment, but added that any accusations should be checked.

“My position in this matter is well known, as I have said many times about this. I don’t condone sexual harassment and other violations. Any allegations must be thoroughly and carefully reviewed during the investigation. I will continue to advocate for women’s rights,” says the singer.

At the moment Lopez is happy in the relationship with her boyfriend, 42-year-old Alex Rodriguez. Rodriguez knows all about the character and preferences of his beloved. He revealed the secret of a perfect holiday Jennifer. According to him, Lopez likes to relax at home in comfortable pajamas, eating chocolate chip cookies. “She’s my role model. She rarely drinks. Trying to sleep at least eight hours. This explains why she’s so beautiful,” stated Rodriguez.

Lopez said that their relations are based on mutual understanding. “We are very similar: we are both Leos horoscope, both from new York, we Latin Americans I can name about 20 such things. I understand him like no one can, and he me, too,” said the singer.

About the wedding in an interview with the star did not report, but some insider is not the first day talking about preparing couples for the celebration. Recall that Alex and Jennifer began Dating in early spring of this year. Fans began to suspect a romantic relationship between the athlete and the singer after the frame in instagram, where the baseball player whispers something in the ear or kisses artist.