Дженнифер Энистон все еще возмущена ярлыком бездетной несчастной женщины

Jennifer aniston has managed to achieve great career heights. The name of this Hollywood celebrity is known, probably, on all continents of our planet. But more public attention attracts not the work of Jen and her personal life, in particular the absence of children (fortunately for aniston, at least her husband she has got. So what is there to reproach her with nothing).

In July of this year, tired of the constant talk on the theme of their successful or unsuccessful personal life, the star of the show “Friends” wrote a great essay in which he said that she can be proud of despite the fact that it did not take place as the mother.

But after the publication of the letter of appeal, the criticism of ill-wishers will not go away and aniston is still bugged with questions about procreation: “My family situation, the status of divorced women, the absence of a boyfriend was considered shameful. Why are woman only looking through this narrow prism? I worked too hard and succeeded in the career that my status was lowered to cliché childless women,” she said in an interview.

According to the actress, now she does not feel the need in child birth because her husband surround her with the love and care that she needs: “Why I feel so good beside her husband? He loves me and surrounds attention, no matter what state I was in. I’m not afraid to open his soul. In addition, Justin makes me a better person, because I feel the need to take care of him.”