Дженнифер Энистон категорически не хотела объявлять о разводе
But Justin Theroux made the actress to publicly admit the end of their marriage.

It became known that Jennifer aniston didn’t want to publicly announce their divorce, Justin Theroux and until recently delayed the adoption of this hard decision. Jennifer knew that it was coming, one only has to appear on completion of her second marriage. As soon as aktiviziruyutsya fans of the actress started to Express his pity and to discuss why she did not manage to arrange their personal lives — after a fateful divorce with brad pitt, traded her in 2005 for angelina Jolie.

But Jennifer’s husband, actor and screenwriter Justin Theroux categorically insisted on the announcement of the “verdict”. He is not in danger — unlike the “poor Jen” he never holds the status of “American darling”. And although the couple has long lived virtually apart, and their closest friends knew about the situation, aniston is still trying to persuade Justin to leave secretly. Just as they got married, or had married in 2015 – under the guise of celebrating Theroux’s birthday.

However, aniston failed to persuade Justin. Their last meeting — by the way, in secret, took place ironically on Valentine’s Day. It was then, before the emergence of the shocking news, Jennifer had to agree on the text of the statement and agree that it should be issued immediately. Justin wanted freedom and did not want to pretend anymore. Well, everything turned out exactly as Jennifer thought. Immediately, a great many rumors and gossip, including about her allegedly impending reunion with brad pitt, and “analysis” of her failures with men.

However, Justin also don’t have too much to enjoy the freedom. For example, today he has cancelled his long-scheduled appearance on the super popular talk show. Obviously, knowing — questions about marriage with aniston, amid rumors that they officially did not bother to register the marriage, he cannot escape. And the answer to these questions Theroux clearly isn’t “smiling”.